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Re: roughness judgments

Dear Mrs. Tufts,

In my one-man tests using sine-tones from a DX-11
synthesizer and "incomplete paired comparisons"
(e.g., checking later whether two two-tones having
received the same grade really are equally rough)
I found that at a given frequency f1 of the deeper of
the two beating sine-tones there is a broad maximum
of roughness extending from beat rates of about
0.5-times-square-root-of-f1 to two-times-square-root-of-f1.

Most of the published roughness data agree
with "my" above-mentioned beat-rate range;
a few published maximum-roughness beat-rates
are above my range.

The Helmholtz harmonic-complex-tone
consonance theory works only for fairly low
maximum-roughness-beat-rate values.

Reinhart Frosch,
CH-5200 Brugg.

>-- Original-Nachricht --
>Date:         Fri, 24 Jun 2005 09:54:15 -0400
>Reply-To: "Tufts, Jennifer" <jennifer.tufts@xxxxxxxxx>
>From: "Tufts, Jennifer" <jennifer.tufts@xxxxxxxxx>
>Subject:      roughness judgments
>To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Dear List,
>Does anyone have experience with methods of obtaining judgments of the
>comparative roughness of beating tones or AM stimuli varying along one
>or more dimensions?  I'm hoping to avoid common pitfalls associated with
>either instructions or method, and I'd particularly like to find a
>method amenable to within- and across-group analysis, if such a thing
>exists.  I'm also trying to avoid paired comparisons....
>Many thanks for any suggestions.
Reinhart Frosch,
Dr. phil. nat.,
Sommerhaldenstr. 5B,
CH-5200 Brugg.
Phone: 0041 56 441 77 72.
Mobile: 0041 79 754 30 32.
E-mail: reinifrosch@xxxxxxxxxx