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Re: Automatic transcription of rhythm - advice requested
Dear Andrew,
For percussive music transcription, see
P. Herrera, A. Yeterian, F. Gouyon, "Automatic classification of
drum sounds: a comparison of feature selection methods and classification
techniques," Prof of 2nd Int. Conf. on Music and AI, 2002.
Zils, Pachet, Delerue, Gouyon, "Automatic extraction of drum
tracks from polyphonic music signals," Proc 2nd Int. conf.
on Web Delivering of Music, 2002.
Paulus, Klapuri. " Measuring the similarity of rhythmic patterns ".
3rd International Conference on Music Information Retrieval,
ISMIR 2002, Paris, France.
Paulus, Klapuri. "Conventional and periodic N-grams in the transcription
of drum sequences ".
IEEE International Conferences on Multimedia and Expo, Baltimore, USA, 2003.
(way of representing the problem, and some higher-level modeling)
Virtanen: "Sound Source Separation Using Sparse Coding with Temporal
Continuity Objective", to be presented in ICMC 2003.
(good for breaking up several overlapping sounds)
Bilmes J. "Timing is of the Essence: Perceptual and Computational Techniques fo
r Representing, Learning, and Reproducing Expressive Timing in Percussive Rhyth
m". MSc thesis, Massachusetts Instute of Technology, 1993.
Schloss A. "On the Automatic Transcription of Percussive Music - From Acoustic
Signal to High-Level Analysis". Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, 1985. Report
For musical meter estimation, see e.g.
(in addition to those alredy listed by Jim Beauchamp)
Temperley, D. Cognition of Basic Musical Structures. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
(MIDI input, codes available in web)
Dixon, S. "Automatic Extraction of Tempo and Beat from Expressive Performances,
" J. New Music Research 30 (1), 2001, pp. 39-58.
(MIDI/audio, codes in web)
Gouyon, F., Herrera, P., Cano, P., "Pulse-dependent analyses of percussive musi
c," In Proc. AES 22nd International Conference on Virtual, Synthetic and Entert
ainment Audio, Espoo, Finland, June 2002.
(audio input)
Cemgil, A. T., Kappen, B., "Monte Carlo Methods for Tempo Tracking and Rhythm Q
uantization," Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 18 (2003), pp. 45-81.
(MIDI input, but very nice generative model)
Moelants, D., Rampazzo, C. "A Computer System for the Automatic Detection of Pe
rceptual Onsets in a Musical Signal," In A. Camurri (Ed.), KANSEI - The Technol
ogy of Emotion, Genova: AIMI/DIST, 1997, pp. 141-146.
Klapuri. "Musical meter estimation and music transcription ".
Cambridge Music Processing Colloquium, Cambridge University, UK, 2003.
(audio input)
With best regards,
Anssi Klapuri klap@cs.tut.fi http://www.cs.tut.fi/~klap
Tampere University of Tech., P.O.Box 553, FIN-33101 Tampere, Finland
+358-3-3115 2124/-4954(work,fax) +358-3-2145252(home) +358-50-3648208(gsm)