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We are happy to present to you the Table of Contents to the Special issue of Speech Communication on Speech Processing for Hearing Aids. Full text is available for free for three months. The Special Issue is available via the Journal Homepage at http://www.elsevier.com/locate/specom.
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We wish you an interesting reading.
Speech Communication, Volume 39, Issues 1-2,
Special Issue on Speech Processing for Hearing Aids,
Fa-Long Luo, Bernard Widrow and Chaslav Pavlovic
A theoretical comparison of information transmission in the peripheral auditory system: Normal and impaired frequency discrimination,
Lisa G. Huettel and Leslie M. Collins
Evaluation of an ERB frequency scale noise reduction for hearing aids: A comparative study,
Thomas Fillon and Jacques Prado
Spectral contrast enhancement: Algorithms and comparisons,
Jun Yang, Fa-Long Luo and Arye Nehorai
Sub-band SNR estimation using auditory feature processing,
Michael Kleinschmidt and Volker Hohmann
Convolutive blind separation of speech mixtures using the natural gradient,
Scott C. Douglas and Xiaoan Sun
Adaptive separation of acoustic sources for anechoic conditions: A constrained frequency domain approach,
Jörn Anemüller and Birger Kollmeier
Speech enhancement using sub-band adaptive Griffiths-Jim signal processing,
D. R. Campbell and P. W. Shields
Strategy-selective noise reduction for binaural digital hearing aids,
Thomas Wittkop and Volker Hohmann
Microphone arrays for hearing aids: An overview,
Bernard Widrow and Fa-Long Luo
Band-limited feedback cancellation with a modified filtered-X LMS algorithm for hearing aids,
Hsiang-Feng Chi, Shawn X. Gao, Sigfrid D. Soli and Abeer Alwan
Robust compensation with adaptive feedback cancellation in hearing aids,
Boaz Rafaely, Ngwa A. Shusina and Joanna L. Hayes