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CFP: Workshop on Audio Assistive Technologies at ICAD 2003

Call for Papers

A workshop on Audio Assistive Devices and Methods for the Visually
Impaired will be held in conjunction with the 2003 International
Conference on Auditory Displays. The goal of the workshop is to
provide a forum for presenting research results and discussing
practical implementations of assistive technologies for the visually

The idea of presenting information that is normally available via
vision through some other sensory modality such as audition has been
around for a long time. The goals of this workshop are to critically
evaluate successes and failures of this approach, identify the
outstanding research questions in the field, and assess the state of
the art. The workshop aims to bring together the many diverse
communities concerned with this problem, including audio engineers,
rehabilitation specialists, psychologists, computer scientists, and
end users of this kind of technology.

A stellar group of invited speakers will start the meeting off with
presentations from different perspectives. Confirmed invited speakers
include Jack Loomis (UC Santa Barbara), Bob Massof (Whitmer Eye
Institute), and Josh Miele (UC Berkeley).

In addition, we are soliciting contributed talks and posters covering
1) Use of audio in the classroom to educate the visually impaired
2) Auditory display of information
3) Wayfaring and other technologies
4) Manipulation of objects on a conventional graphical user interface via
auditory mechanisms

There are two ways to submit your papers to the workshop.

Submit a regular paper to ICAD, and indicate that you are interested
in presenting it at the workshop. These submissions will go through
the ordinary ICAD peer-review process and (if accepted) be published
as part of the ICAD proceedings. ICAD paper templates are available at

Submit an abstract for the workshop only (the web interface will be
available after 2 February 2003 at the same web site). Accepted
Abstracts will be published in the ICAD proceedings as submitted.
Abstracts can only contain text and must be 300 words or less.

All decisions will be made by April 1 2003.

Program Committee

Ramani Duraiswami, University of Maryland
Bruce Walker, Georgia Tech
Josh Miele,  UC Berkeley and Smith-Ketterwell Eye Research Institute
Nat Durlach, MIT
Barbara Shinn-Cunningham, Boston University

Deadline for submissions is March 10, 2003. Decisions will be provided by
April 3, 2003.

Papers are expected according to the instructions at the ICAD website

SUBMISSIONS: Deadline 2 February 2003 through the ICAD submission site (
http://brigade.umiacs.umd.edu/icad2003/submit.htm ). Authors should indicate
that their submission is for the ICAD-AT workshop.

Ramani Duraiswami
University of Maryland