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Re: Kevin'Semant[r]ic[k]s
Ok, I see well that the tricky one is your part here ...
Kevin Austin corrected :
>the 'syntactic signals' don't exist in speech, but rather,
>it might be that the perceptual and interpretive
>systems of individuals extract ...
... and this is exactly *why* such (external) reference systems can
potentially be applied to any (homogenous) data collection ..., where
'external' refers to them not being 'naturally' inherent in this (any)
data collection but 'conventionally' (hence collectively) assigned ...
>I continue to note that _many_ people do not hear the first inversion
>triad as being 'an inflection' of the root position chord. For those
>who don't hear this, the learning curve is _steep_.
There doesn't exist something like a (granted) reciprocal comprehension
of every language, either ... Traditional (Western) notation provides a
certain universality, yet this does not necessarily imply that it is to
be globally understood ... The term 'language' -- referring to a system
of standardized symbols and relations to (ideally) being organized to
intelligible / meaningful messages -- implies by no means its non-being
restricted to a certain insider collective only ...
>??mlrhivemr-vwzitligvi big lg gmzD
>Want to try retrograde-inversion??
... these verbal conversions (and argumentative inversions) cannot help
it that dodecaphony is one of various potential (substructural)
reference systems likely to assign a 'syntax' to a set of data (e.g., a
composition analogously conceived) ...
>>'Semantics' is due to the reference to some (external) meaning,
>As I wrote .. I think the meaning is 'internal' ...
Same as above : it is external in that it is not 'naturally' inherent in
the acoustic / graphic pattern itself but conventionally assigned and
affirmed only(*) -- conventions yet are based on collective agreement
with regard to a common objective (relative over a certain period of
time) within a certain social group, which again implies an
externalization of the subjective view of each negotiating party ...
(as 'social collective' generally requires a transcending of the
individual ...).
(* Note that denominations can as well be quality-related, as e.g., in