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Re: Simple demonstrations

Dear John,

There is a CD of perceptual grouping phenomena that we made in our lab.  It
is available from the MIT Press:

Bregman, A. S., and Ahad, P.A.  (1996).  Demonstrations of Auditory Scene
Analysis: the Perceptual Organization of Sound. Cambridge, MA.: The MIT
Press. (CD and explanatory booklet).
  - You can look this up on the website of the MIT Press.

There is also a demonstration CD of basic psychoacoustic phenomena put out
by the Acoustical Society of America.  I think you can find it in their
website.  If not, email me and I'll get the title for you.

Best of luck,

- Al
Albert S. Bregman, Emeritus Professor
Dept of Psychology, McGill University
1205 Docteur Penfield Avenue
Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 1B1

     Phone:  +1 (514) 398-6103
     Fax: +1 (514) 398-4896
     Phone & Fax: +1 (514) 484-2592

----- Original Message -----
From: John ffitch <jpff@MATHS.BATH.AC.UK>
Sent: 28-Jan-01 10:40 AM
Subject: Simple demonstrations

> I realise that this question is at a simpler level than most recent
> posts, but i teach a course on music and DSP to a group of mainly
> computing, maths and physics students, and it seem to me that
> introducing them to some of the psychoacoustic effects would be good
> for their education.  This last year i did demonstrate Shepard tones,
> but it would be very nice for next year to be able to show (if that is
> the right word) them a larger number of ways in which we can be
> tricked.
>   Could you suggest a small range of demonstrations, preferably using
> simple equipment (I use mainly csound for synthesis, and play sounds
> from a CD/cassette player or from my portable; students could be
> directed to listen to things on simple headphones, but we do not have
> general audio lab facilities).  Alternatively, please direct me to a
> suitable web/ftp/book....
> ==John ffitch