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Re: Upside down noise

Personally, I don't find John Bates's question "noisy."  Actually, Fred did
not answer the question -- I think that Fred's explanation "creating some
sort of spatial effect" is too vague and off-the-cuff.

The effect is predictable as one maps interaural phase difference into
interaural time difference, but nonetheless cute (setting it up took
exactly 30 seconds of my time and another 30 seconds to listen): the
perceived locus shifts from right to left and back, as the frequency sweeps
up and down.  However, depending on how low the frequency goes, the locus
traverses ambiguous regions as well.

I have a different question: Von Hornbostel is credited with describing the
following situation: a bird singing (presumably sinusoidally) on a branch
is perceived as if it were flying from right to left as the frequency of
its song varies (presumably not too fast). Provided v. H. is right, how
could that phenomenon be explained? I presume there were no reflecting
surfaces near the bird.


Pierre Divenyi             Experimental Audiology Research (151)
                           V.A. Medical Center, Martinez, CA 94553, USA
Phone: (925) 370-6745;     Fax: (925) 228-5738
E-mail :                   PDivenyi@ucdavis.edu

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