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Job notice, Dept. Audiology & Speech Sci., Purdue Univ.

For your jobs file:


        Speech Science

        Department of Audiology and Speech Sciences

        Purdue University

        West Lafayette, IN 47907- 1353

*       Tenure track 10-month beginning position available Fall 1998.

*       Ph.D. required.

*       Primary duties include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in th
areas of acoustics, speech perception, and speech production.  The
candidate will be expected to have an active research program and to pursue
extramural funding.

*       To be assured of full consideration, applications should be received by
December 16, 1997.  However, applications will continue to be accepted
until the position is filled.

*       A CV, letter of application, selected publications/papers, and three
letters of recommendation that address the candidate's potential abilities
in both teaching and research should be sent to:

                Anne Smith, Chair, Search Committee
                Department of Audiology and Speech Sciences
                1353 Heavilon Hall
                Purdue University
                West Lafayette, IN 47907- 1353

Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Anne Smith
Department of Audiology and Speech Sciences
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907
phone 765-494-7743  fax 765-494-0771