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Re: PC-cards for Spectrum Analysis

> Does anyone know about PC-cards (accompanied by their corresponding
> software) for performing (real-time?) spectrum analysis using a PC?  I

> Dr. Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda

About a year ago I also asked questions to this group about soundcards
for PC compatables.  I saved all the responses, and they can be read on
the following web page:

The original query was not the same as Enrique's...I wanted to know about
soundcards in general.  However, I think there may have been a few
responses that addressed Enrique's query.

Greg Sandell
Gregory J. Sandell, Research Associate, sandell@sparky.parmly.luc.edu
Parmly Hearing Institute, Loyola University Chicago
6525 N. Sheridan Chicago IL 60626 USA voice:773-508-3976 FAX:773-508-2719
WWW: http://www.parmly.luc.edu/sandell/