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Int. Conf. on Auditory Display
ICAD '96:
The Third
International Conference on Auditory Display
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Dates: November 4-6, 1996
Sponsored by
Santa Fe Institute
Continuing the work of the successful ICAD '92 and '94
meetings, ICAD '96 will be held November 4-6, 1996 in Santa
Fe, New Mexico, USA. ICAD is a forum for presenting
research on the use of sound to display data, monitor
systems, and provide enhanced user interfaces for computers
and virtual reality systems. It is unique in its singular
focus on auditory displays, and the array of perception,
technology, and application areas that these encompass.
Like its predecessors, ICAD '96 will be a single-track
conference. Attendance is open to all, with no membership
or affiliation requirements.
Papers are solicited on any aspects of Auditory Display.
Topic areas include, but are not limited to:
* Auditory exploration of data via sonification (data-
controlled sound) and audification (audible playback
of data samples)
* Real-time monitoring of multivariate data
* Sound in immersive interfaces (Virtual Reality) and
* Perceptual issues in Auditory Display
* Sound in generalized computer interfaces
* Technologies supporting Auditory Display creation
* Data handling and sound synthesis for Auditory Display
* Applications of Auditory Display
Note: There will be a strong preference for papers with
sound, and a high-likelihood of publishing sounds with the
For ICAD'96, the steering committee plans to have the
proceedings available at the conference. Therefore, complete
manuscripts must be submitted by May 20, 1996. Notification
of acceptance will be made by July 15, 1996. Final, camera-
ready versions of accepted papers (4-8 pages in length)
must then be delivered electronically no later than
September 16, 1996.
In order to facilitate the process, the following submission
guidelines must be strictly adhered to:
1. Submit 6 copies of the complete paper to
Santa Fe Institute
1660 Old Pecos Trail, Suite A
Santa Fe, NM 87051
2. Include a single cover sheet which contains
* the paper title
* the full names, affiliations, complete addresses, phone
and FAX numbers, and e-mail addresses of the authors
* a 100- to 250-word abstract
* a list of up to five keywords
ICAD '96 will also include informal sessions where
preliminary or speculative material and descriptions or
demonstrations of hardware and software may be presented.
Send one copy of your poster session paper or a description
of your demonstration to the address above by May 20, 1996.
Manuscript submission May 20, 1996
Notification of review July 15, 1996
Camera-ready copy September 16, 1996
Steve Frysinger, James Madison University & AT&T Bell Labs
Gregory Kramer, CLARITY, Santa Fe Institute
Rich Gold, Xerox PARC
Steve Frysinger, James Madison University & AT&T Bell Labs
Gregory Kramer, CLARITY, Santa Fe Institute
Beth Wenzel, NASA Ames Research Center
The focus of the Santa Fe Institute is research on complex
systems. This work encompasses an extraordinary range of
topics normally studied in seemingly disparate fields.
Natural systems displaying complex adaptive behavior range
upwards from DNA through cells and evolutionary systems to
human societies. The dynamics of complex systems are
difficult to comprehend and even more difficult to
communicate. Data visualization--and more recently data
sonification--are emerging as crucial tools for the
comprehension and communication of complex systems data.
Santa Fe is a small, picturesque city located at an altitude
of 7,000 feet in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. A
town of 55,000 people, it is renowned for its beauty, art,
culture, museums, and restaurants. Snow in November is
probable and ski resorts will likely be open.
Address general inquiries to:
Dr. Steven P. Frysinger
James Madison University
College of Integrated Science & Technology
Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807
Tel: 540/568-2710
Fax: 540/568-2761
Net: frysinsp@jmu.edu
Gregory Kramer
Clarity/Santa Fe Institute
310 NW Brynwood Lane
Portland, OR 97229
Fax: 503-292-4982