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Just a note to encourage auditory research submissions to NIPS
this year -- the Neural Information Processing Systems meeting, in
Denver in November/December (with a post-conference workshop at Vail).
NIPS has single-track format, but is very multi-disciplinary
nature; the result is three or four papers representing different
disciplines in science and engineering, presented to appeal to a
general audience. The quality of posters and presentations is pretty
high; only ~5% of the submissions become talks, and about ~20% of the
submissions become posters. Dick Duda gave a talk at NIPS last year on
auditory scene analysis that was well received; in addition to scene
analysis, neuroscience and cognitive science auditory research have
also been well received at past NIPS.
The Call For Papers below has more details -- hope to see you
at NIPS!
--john lazzaro
area chair (implementations) NIPS 94
Neural Information Processing Systems
-Natural and Synthetic-
Monday, November 28 - Saturday, December 3, 1994
Denver, Colorado
This is the eighth meeting of an interdisciplinary conference
which brings together neuroscientists, engineers, computer
scientists, cognitive scientists, physicists, and mathematicians
interested in all aspects of neural processing and
computation. The conference will include invited talks, and oral
and poster presentations of refereed papers. There will be no
parallel sessions. There will also be one day of tutorial
presentations (Nov 28) preceding the regular session, and two
days of focused workshops will follow at a nearby ski area (Dec
Major categories for paper submission, and examples of keywords
within categories, are the following:
Neuroscience: systems physiology, cellular physiology, signal
and noise analysis, oscillations, synchronization, inhibition,
neuromodulation, synaptic plasticity, computational models.
Theory: computational learning theory, complexity theory,
dynamical systems, statistical mechanics, probability and
statistics, approximation theory.
Implementations: VLSI, optical, parallel processors, software
simulators, implementation languages.
Algorithms and Architectures: learning algorithms,
constructive/pruning algorithms, localized basis functions,
decision trees, recurrent networks, genetic algorithms,
combinatorial optimization, performance comparisons.
Visual Processing: image recognition, coding and
classification, stereopsis, motion detection, visual
Speech, Handwriting and Signal Processing: speech recognition,
coding and synthesis, handwriting recognition, adaptive
equalization, nonlinear noise removal.
Applications: time-series prediction, medical diagnosis,
financial analysis, DNA/protein sequence analysis, music
processing, expert systems.
Cognitive Science & AI: natural language, human learning and
memory, perception and psychophysics, symbolic reasoning.
Control, Navigation, and Planning: robotic motor control,
process control, navigation, path planning, exploration,
dynamic programming.
Review Criteria: All submitted papers will be thoroughly
refereed on the basis of technical quality, novelty, significance
and clarity. Submissions should contain new results that have
not been published previously. Authors are encouraged to submit
their most recent work, as there will be an opportunity after the
meeting to revise accepted manuscripts before submitting final
camera-ready copy.
Paper Format: Submitted papers may be up to eight pages in
length. The page limit will be strictly enforced, and any
submission exceeding eight pages will not be considered. Authors
are encouraged (but not required) to use the NIPS style files
obtainable by anonymous FTP at the sites given below. Papers must
include physical and e-mail addresses of all authors, and must
indicate one of the nine major categories listed above, keyword
information if appropriate, and preference for oral or poster
presentation. Unless otherwise indicated, correspondence will be
sent to the first author.
Submission Instructions: Send six copies of submitted papers to
the address given below; electronic or FAX submission is not
acceptable. Include one additional copy of the abstract only, to
be used for preparation of the abstracts booklet distributed at
the meeting. Submissions mailed first-class within the US or
Canada must be postmarked by May 21, 1994. Submissions from
other places must be received by this date. Mail submissions to:
David Touretzky
NIPS*94 Program Chair
Computer Science Department
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 USA
Mail general inquiries/requests for registration material to:
NIPS*94 Conference
NIPS Foundation
PO Box 60035
Pasadena, CA 91116-6035 USA
(e-mail: nips94@caltech.edu)
FTP sites for LaTex style files "nips.tex" and "nips.sty":
helper.systems.caltech.edu ( in /pub/nips
b.gp.cs.cmu.edu ( in /usr/dst/public/nips
NIPS*94 Organizing Committee: General Chair, Gerry Tesauro, IBM;
Program Chair, David Touretzky, CMU; Publications Chair, Joshua
Alspector, Bellcore; Publicity Chair, Bartlett Mel, Caltech;
Workshops Chair, Todd Leen, OGI; Treasurer, Rodney Goodman,
Caltech; Local Arrangements, Lori Pratt, Colorado School of
Mines; Tutorials Chairs, Steve Hanson, Siemens and Gerry Tesauro,
IBM; Contracts, Steve Hanson, Siemens and Scott Kirkpatrick, IBM;
Government & Corporate Liaison, John Moody, OGI; Overseas
Liaisons: Marwan Jabri, Sydney Univ., Mitsuo Kawato, ATR, Alan
Murray, Univ. of Edinburgh, Joachim Buhmann, Univ. of Bonn,
Andreas Meier, Simon Bolivar Univ.
-please post-