Index for 2aAO
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
2aAO1. Flow measurement with a double acoustic time-reversal mirror.
2aAO2. Modeling of scintillation approach to transversal current measurement with respect to the Fram Strait environment.
2aAO3. Variability of acoustic transmissions in the Strait of Gibraltar.
2aAO4. Acoustically focused oceanographic sampling in the Haro Strait experiment.
2aAO5. Coastal front tomography in the Haro Strait experiment: High resolution ray-based techniques.
2aAO6. Horizontal refraction tomography with mode interaction.
2aAO7. Observations, characterizations, and acoustic effects of nonlinear internal waves on the Mid-Atlantic Bight continental shelf.
2aAO8Robert C. Spindel
2aAO9. Internal tide impact measured by acoustic tomography experiment.
2aAO10. Internal wave effects on normal mode processing.
2aAO11. The coupled mode parabolic equation.
2aAO12. Modeling internal gravity waves in a range-dependent medium.
2aAO13. Characteristics of low-frequency Arctic ambient noise determined using the SPINNAKER array.
2aAO14. Fast normal-mode approximation of tomographic arrival patterns.
2aAO15. Possibility of bottom-layer parameter reconstruction using acoustic signals of the THETIS-2 experiment.
2aAO16. Influence of bottom characteristics on the differential tomography method in the deep ocean.