The method of differential tomography is based on the fact that the mean velocity of sound pulse propagation along the ray trajectory depends on the angle of the ray exit. The method efficiency is analyzed numerically for the signal reception to a horizontal array and a single hydrophone. It is shown that the signal of illumination may be suppressed and the scatteredsignal may be separated by time gating. It is also shown that the depth of the deposition of a space-localized inhomogeneity may be estimated by the width of the scattered signal autocorrelation function. The distance to the inhomogeneity may be defined by the cross-correlation function of the scattered signal at various array receivers. The influence of bottom characteristics, the depth of the submergence of a scatterer, and the distance between a source and a receiver on the scattered signal structure is analyzed. [Work supported by RFFI Project N 96-02-18944.]