2aAO13. Characteristics of low-frequency Arctic ambient noise determined using the SPINNAKER array.

Session: Tuesday Morning, December 3

Time: 11:15

Author: Rich Pawlowicz
Location: Inst. of Ocean Sci., Sidney, BC V8L 4B2, Canada
Author: Barbara Sotirin
Location: NCCOSC-RDTE, San Diego, CA 92152-5000


The ambient noise field at low frequencies in the Arctic is dominated by sounds resulting from pressure ridging caused by convergences in the surface ice field. These convergences are driven by currents in the ocean and by winds on the surface, and are modulated by the ice strength and compactness. Analysis of long time series of ambient noise might therefore be a useful tool in studying the spatial and temporal changes in these factors. The SPINNAKER array recently deployed at the edge of the continental shelf north of Ellesmere Island and cabled to shore provides a unique opportunity for measuring the structure and variability of the ambient noise field. Preliminary analysis shows a number of interesting features, which will be correlated with environmental factors to monitor long-term changes in the Arctic oceanography.

ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996