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[AUDITORY] VoiceID 2024: Call for abstracts

Dear Colleagues


We are delighted to let you know that abstract submission is now open for the 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference on Voice Identity (VoiceID) in Marburg, Germany!


The conference aims to bring together researchers interested in vocal identity and recognition from different disciplines such as Psychology, Biology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Computer Science, Engineering, and beyond. We are inviting abstracts for talks and posters to be presented during the meeting.


Key dates:

  • Friday 1st March 2024: Abstract submission opens.
  • Monday 15th April 2024 1700h (CET): Abstract submission closes.
  • By end of April 2024: Notification of abstract acceptances.
  • Wednesday 28th – Friday 30th August 2024: VoiceID 2024 in Marburg.

Please head to the VoiceID 2024 website (https://www.uni-marburg.de/en/fb09/institutes/german-linguistics/phonetics/voiceid2024) for more information about the conference and Marburg, the list of invited speakers, and of course full instructions for submitting your abstract.

If you have any questions that are not answered on the website, please email the conference inbox: voiceidconference@xxxxxxxxx


Best wishes

The VoiceID Organizing Committee

Prof C McGettigan (they/them)
Chair in Speech and Hearing Sciences

Chandler House Room 320
2 Wakefield Street
London WC1N 1PF

t: +44 (0) 20 7679 4075
e: c.mcgettigan@xxxxxxxxx 
z: https://ucl.zoom.us/my/cmcgettigan