Dear colleagues (with apologies for cross-posting), We are delighted to announce the availability of 1-2 fully funded MSc/PhD scholarships on cross-cultural relationships between song and speech in the School of Psychology, University of Auckland. Successful applicants will be working in the CompMusic Lab under the supervision of Dr. Patrick Savage and Prof. Suzanne Purdy (Te Rarawa, Ngāi Takoto). The closing date for applications is: Sunday 31st March 2024. Details of the scholarship application and eligibility requirements are available here. Please contact Dr. Patrick Savage at patrick.savage@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (informal enquiries welcome). —
Ngā mihi / Regards / よろしくお願いします Dr. Patrick Savage (he/him) Director, CompMusic Lab
Senior Research Fellow, School of Psychology, University of Auckland / Waipapa Taumata Rau (Room 302.349)
Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University