Dear Friends and Colleagues
I would like to inform you about an unfortunate error related to the symposium and abstract submission deadline dates.
There is a 'mismatch' between the announcement I made a few weeks ago and what shows in the official website and what appears on the google form for the submission of abstracts and symposia.
The correct Deadline submission date of the call for Symposium is as follows:
15th of April 2024 is the deadline for symposium submissions and acceptance will be notified by 1st of June 2024.
The correct Deadline submission date of the call for Abstracts is as follows:
15th of May 2024 is the deadline for abstract submissions and acceptance will be notified by 1st of June 2024.
In the coming days I will be updating and correcting these dates on our webpage:
Thanks for your understanding and my sincere apologies for the inconveniences and confusions caused
I would also like to take this opportunity to inform you that the registration site is still not operative, but will be ready in the coming days. I will inform you as you can register.
Best wishes and looking fwd to seeing you all in Salamanca
Manolo and the LOC team
p.s.: sorry for cross posting