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[AUDITORY] E.A.R.S. Tomorrow!

Dear fellow neuroscientists,

Please join us tomorrow, Feb 13 at 1 pm ET for the next edition of E.A.R.S. (Electronic Auditory Research Seminars), a monthly auditory seminar series focused on central auditory processing and circuits.
This session we have two presenters:

Laura Gwilliams, Stanford University: “Neural architecture of speech comprehension”



Chris Rodgers, Emory University: “Active auditory processing in mice before and after hearing loss”


The seminar will be hosted on Zoom. You can access the seminars here: https://pennmedicine.zoom.us/j/96672201477. This link is also posted on our website 

The E.A.R.S. subscriber list is the ears-seminar google group, which you can join by emailing: ears2022+subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or visiting the following link: https://groups.google.com/g/ears202.

With kind wishes,
Matilda Gibbons
Maria Geffen
Anjali Sinha
Corey Roach
Bhanu Shukla



Matilda Gibbons,

Postdoctoral Researcher,

Perelman School of Medicine,

G10 Stemmler Hall,

University of Pennsylvania

