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[AUDITORY] Course announcement: HeaR 2024 - From mechanisms to restoration technologies - June 3-14, 2024 - Paris

Dear colleagues, 

The Institut de l'Audition (Hearing Institute) organizes yearly in Paris a two-weeks course on the neuroscience and physiology of Hearing. This year it will take place from June 3 to June 14, 2024

All information about the course content and registration can be found here https://www.institut-audition.fr/en/pasteur-course. Registration deadline March 15. 

This course aims at introducing forefront research on the understanding of auditory perception from the sensory periphery to cortical networks and cognitive aspects. It is targeted at students and researchers who start in the field of hearing science and wish to have an overview of the key concepts and questions in the field as well as the modern techniques to study audition.  The topics covered include the principle of acoustics, the neurophysiology of the auditory system, the genetics of the ear and its associated pathologies the rehabilitation techniques to treat patients, as well as the psychophysics of auditory perception and the relation between auditory information processing in the brain and recent AI technologies for sound recognition and processing.

The course combines in a friendly atmosphere lectures in the morning and hands-on sessions in the afternoon, which introduce in practice the anatomy of the ear and histological techniques, sound synthesis and analysis, as well as electrophysiology and two-photon calcium imaging techniques to investigate the auditory system in humans and animals.

Looking forward to hosting you in Paris for this event !

Brice Bathellier and Boris Gourévitch