Dear colleagues,
This is a kind reminder for the approaching deadline on January 21 for two assistant professor positions in the Interaction Technology division. Music Information Computing is one of the research areas for which
we welcome applications. Our Music Information Computing group connects computational modelling of musical structures for researching music as a fundamental human trait with developing novel ways of interacting with music. In interdisciplinary collaborations,
we apply computational models of music in areas such as music analysis, retrieval, generation, gamified musical interactions, and music technology for inclusion, education, health and wellbeing. For more information please visit
More information about the positions:
Deadline: January 21, 2024
If you are interested in applying, please do not hesitate to contact me!
Please also note that we are simultaneously looking for an Assistant Professor with an education profile in Interaction Technology (
Kind regards,
Anja Volk
Prof. Anja Volk | Chair of Music Information Computing | MA, MSc, PhD | Utrecht University | Department of Information and Computing Sciences | Leuvenlaan 4, 3584 CS Utrecht | Minnaertgebouw, room 4.15 | |
Editor-in-Chief of Transactions of ISMIR | Chair of the ICS
diversity committee.