Dear all, together with colleagues from the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), University of Oxford (UK), and University of York (UK), I am running a cross-cultural online experiment on audiovisual associations. We plan to involve 3 cultures/languages: English, Italian, and Hindi. The protocol takes about 12-13 minutes, and participants can select their native language at the first step. Background in music is not required. Here is the link to the protocol, I hope that you will be able to participate and share it among your contacts: Additional information on the project can be found here: Thanks in advance for the help you could give us! Best regards, Nicola Di Stefano P.S. You might recall receiving a message several months ago regarding a similar study. Happy to share that that study is now in press (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review). I want to express my gratitude for your help, thank you! |