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[AUDITORY] Open NSF "rotator" Program Director position.

Dear colleagues,


As previously announced, NSF is actively recruiting for a temporary Program Officer position (rotator) for the Linguistics and Dynamic Language-Infrastructure-Documenting Endangered Languages Programs. Please see the call here:


The application consists of a cover letter and your current CV, sent to Jorge Valdés Kroff, jvaldesk@xxxxxxx.


While the position will be “open until filled,” we will begin review of applications received by Wednesday, December 20, 10:00pm ET.


We are hosting two town-hall events where you can ask open questions on the rotator position. All are welcome.


Wednesday, December 13, 4:00pm ET. Zoom: https://nsf.zoomgov.com/j/1610393096?pwd=bUhWakppZ2oyenN1Ym5TN1d0RnM1UT09&from=addon

Friday, December 15, 4:00pm ET. Zoom: https://nsf.zoomgov.com/j/1609766223?pwd=QTNWSXJQTWxvOWk4aEx3b0VuT2F1Zz09&from=addon


You are also welcome to reach out with questions directly to jvaldesk@xxxxxxx or Rachel Theodore, rtheodor@xxxxxxx.

Many thanks,



Rachel M. Theodore, Ph.D.
Associate Professor; Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Director; UConn Laboratory for Spoken Language Processing
Affiliate; Department of Psychological Sciences, Language and Cognition Program

University of Connecticut
2 Alethia Drive, Unit 1085
Storrs, CT  06269-1085

860.486.3477 (phone)
860.486.5422 (fax)

Advising appointments can be scheduled through Nexus (https://nexus.uconn.edu). Feel free to sign up for more than one slot if you need a longer meeting. If none of the slots work for your schedule, then send me an e-mail with your availability.