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[AUDITORY] McGill: Post-doctoral and graduate student positions available
- To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [AUDITORY] McGill: Post-doctoral and graduate student positions available
- From: Suresh Krishna <suresh.krishna@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:20:14 +0000
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- Reply-to: Suresh Krishna <suresh.krishna@xxxxxxxxx>
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- Thread-topic: McGill: Post-doctoral and graduate student positions available
(Apologies for cross-posting)
Multiple postdoctoral and graduate student (Masters/PhD) positions are available in the m2b3 lab (https://m2b3.lab.mcgill.ca), directed by Suresh Krishna, at McGill University in downtown Montreal, Canada. Candidates for postdoctoral positions require a PhD or equivalent, earned within the last five years (exceptions possible in certain circumstances). Considerable independence and project flexibility is possible for the right candidates, and active support for career development (including supervisory opportunities) will be available. Projects will be designed based at least partly on the the backgrounds, skills and interests of the new lab members. If interested, please send a brief email to mailto:m2b3.lab@xxxxxxxxx with your CV. Additional details below:
The lab has interests and expertise in hearing, vision, eye-movements and attention/decision-making. Within this broad area, the specific topics we are interested in can vary quite a bit. The environment for neuroscience and AI collaboration is exceptionally good at McGill and in the Montreal area, and we make full use of that (for example, to access unique 3D sound display systems and to access well-equipped fMRI, MEG, EEG and fNIRS centers, among others). We practice open science and are actively interested in translation. The lab is well-equipped with all necessary experimental and computational resources, either within the lab itself, or via shared facilities, including dedicated computational resources obtained from Alliance Canada.
We are particularly interested in recruiting new lab members with two profiles.
First, we are looking for experimentally-oriented lab members who can lead studies using large-scale extracellular neurophysiological recordings from awake animals (rodents/non-human primates) with a focus on neural signal processing and brain-behavior relationships. Prior experience with neurophysiological recordings is ideal but not necessary, but technical experimentation skills or the aptitude to learn is required. There will be opportunities to also do additional imaging experiments in a collaborative environment, and to collaborate extensively with modelers/theorists. There are also opportunities to record intracranially during human neurosurgery.
Second, we are looking for new lab members who can lead psychophysical/neuroimaging studies in the lab's areas of interest, and/or lead data-analysis and modeling projects with large open datasets. The lab member may either themselves, or in collaboration with others, combine this with computational/AI modeling of human perceptual and cognitive processes. MEG/EEG experience would be a plus, and there are also possibilities for invasive recordings during human neurosurgery. Candidates with quantitative/modeling backgrounds are very welcome, as well as those with a more traditional imaging/psychophysics background. Aptitude for/skills in quantitative data analysis, and level-appropriate computer programming fluency is highly desirable for this role.
Applications will be considered until the positions are filled - start dates can be as late as Fall 2024. The positions are initially for two years, with a review after one year. French language proficiency is not necessary; McGill is an Anglophone university. Stipends and benefits will be according to the standard McGill scales and union agreements, with generous top-ups if the candidates obtain external fellowships (for which there are many possibilities). Student/temporary work permit sponsorship for foreign nationals is available. Canadian citizens and permanent residents are of course welcome.
We are located in the Department of Physiology at McGill, and also work at CIRMMT (the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Music and Media Technology), BRAMS (International laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research), the Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute) and the CHUM (Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal). We are also a part of UNIQUE (the Montreal Neuro-AI grouping), the CRM (Center for Research in Mathematics), the QBIN (Quebec Bio-Imaging network), the VHRN (Vision Health Research Network), and the CRBLM (Center for Research in Brain, Language and Music) as well as the QLS (Quantitative Life Sciences) and IPN (Integrated Program in Neuroscience) graduate programs.
We are friendly, kind, collaborative, personalized, accommodative, inclusive, supportive and dedicated to both scientific and individual progress. And fun. We aim for a healthy work-life balance and to live an inspired life. The lab has good coffee. Montreal is a thriving global city, with a rich bilingual and bi-continental atmosphere and a lot of life and work opportunities. The cost of living is much lower than comparable cities (Toronto and Vancouver) and life here is culturally very rich with a lot of young people and no shortage of restaurants, cultural events, music, festivals, sports events etc. The city is green, and is surrounded by wonderful all-season outdoors opportunities as well.
All are actively welcome, and especially anyone who may not have felt welcome in the past. We value diversity and look forward to hearing from you.
m2b3 = Mind, Machines, Brain, Body, Behavior.
Suresh Krishna,
Associate Professor, Physiology,
McGill University