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[AUDITORY] EARS: accepting trainee session submissions

E.A.R.S. is a monthly online seminar series on auditory neuroscience featuring presentations by researchers in earlier stages of their careers with the focus on their latest data. We are now accepting submissions for a special Trainee Session on December 12. Research trainees at graduate or post-doctoral stage in auditory neuroscience are welcome to submit their abstract for consideration. The trainee session will feature five 10-minute presentations, selected by the EARS organizing committee from submissions. Please submit your abstract by Nov. 22 to be given full consideration: https://forms.gle/2kLrVe4PPjb4nqFM9
For updates and reminders about future seminars, please subscribe to our mail list by emailing: ears2022+subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or visiting the following the link: https://groups.google.com/g/ears2022

— Organizing committee

Dr. Matila Gibbons, Dr. Bhanu Shukla, Dr. Yale Cohen and Dr. Maria Geffen


Maria N. Geffen, Ph.D. (she/her)
Department of Otorhinolaryngology
Department of Neuroscience
Department of Neurology
Co-Director, Computational Neuroscience Initiative
Stemmler Hall G14
3450 Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia PA 19104
My zoom room
Follow me @geffenlab@mastodon.world
Twitter: @neimarkgeffen