Hope you are doing well! We recently conducted a meta-analysis examining the degree to which specific types/domains of auditory processing impairments (e.g., frequency, duration, and intensity discrimination, as well as gap detection) were present in reading disability (RD, a broader category that includes dyslexia). In this pre-registered meta-analysis, just published in Scientific Studies of Reading (available Open Access
here), we found that impairments across our 4 task domains were remarkably similar, which made us wonder whether the magnitude of impairment in each task domain was in any way correlated, and what that might indicate. Yet, in many extant papers, correlations among the auditory processing measures were rarely specified in favor of grouped analyses.
Our previous project was kindly embraced by many authors who shared their data and results. I am writing in hopes of gathering these correlations from all of the studies present in the meta-analysis, so that I may aggregate the data into a meaningful report.
If you have data pertaining to non-linguistic auditory processing in reading disability, we would like to ask if you would kindly send the following information:
The correlation and its corresponding sample size among any frequency discrimination, duration discrimination, intensity discrimination, and gap detection measures in:
a) The whole sample
b) The RD/dyslexia sample
c) The control/typical reader sample(s)
We will acknowledge your participation and appreciate your cooperation in this endeavor.