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[AUDITORY] BASH 2023 Sign Up

Dear friends 

In case you missed our earlier announcement, the Conference on Binaural and Spatial Hearing (aka Binaural BASH) is happening on 2-3 Nov 2023! We will adopt a hybrid format in 2023, with an in-person “BASH base” at Boys Town National Research Hospital in Omaha, as well as the opportunity for remote participation. 

To plan the meeting effectively we need to know how many people will attend in-person, how many plan to join remotely, and how many people would like to present. Please sign up here by Sept 1 2023: https://forms.gle/7aB4Qr2h6HcqNB7w8

This link and other details can be found at the conference website: https://binaural.and.spatialhearing.org/

The Organizing Committee:
Chris Stecker
Erick Gallun
Gin Best
Antje Ihlefeld
Les Bernstein
Alan Kan
Steve Colburn, Ex Officio