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[AUDITORY] PSYCHOACOUSTICS software for Windows 11

Dear Colleagues,

The PSYCHOACOUSTICS software can be used to run a large variety of experiments on psychoacoustics without the need for programming expertise.  For details and instructions, see

Sęk, A. P., Moore, B. C. J., 2021. Guide to PSYCHOACOUSTICS, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, Poznan, Poland.

Several colleagues have asked for a version that runs under Windows 11. Such a version is now available and can be downloaded (free) from

This version is also compatible with Windows 10.

Best wishes,


Prof. Brian C. J. Moore, Ph.D., PFBSA, FMedSci, FRS, Dr. h.c.
Cambridge Hearing Group,
Dept. of Psychology,
University of Cambridge,
Downing Street,
Cambridge CB2 3EB
