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[AUDITORY] Professorship for Distributed Interactive Media Applications and Technologies - TH Köln

Dear all,


a new professorship for Distributed Interactive Media Applications and Technologies is being offered at the TH Köln in the Faculty of Information, Media and Electrical Engineering.


The application fields can among others be in the area of audio, e.g. for VR and AR applications.


Further information (in German):


Job advertisement: https://karriere.th-koeln.de/job/view/885/professur-fuer-verteilte-interaktive-medienapplikationen-und-technologien?page_lang=de


Job description: https://thkoeln.hr4you.org/system/file/Anforderungsprofi_Stellenausschreibung_2023_F072301



Application deadline is 16.05.2023.


#jobs #career #university #professorship





Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Pörschmann

Technische Hochschule Köln

Raum 8 WEST 1

Fakultät für Informations-, Medien- und Elektrotechnik (IME) Institut für Nachrichtentechnik Betzdorfer Straße 2 D 50679 Köln

Web: www.th-koeln.de/akustik

Telefon: +49 221 8275 2495

Home Office: +49 2043 57865

Fax: +49 221 8275 2445