Hi all, This is just a reminder that tomorrow Prof. Robert Froemke (Skirball Foundation Professor of Genetics, Neuroscience Institute and Departments of Otolaryngology and Neuroscience/Physiology at NYU Grossman
School of Medicine) will be speaking on “Neuromodulation and plasticity for rodent communication” at
2pm on the 12th of January (12/1/2023). Dr. Froemke is the Skirball Foundation Professor of Genetics in the Neuroscience Institute and Departments of Otolaryngology and Neuroscience/Physiology at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. The Froemke lab studies
how sounds acquire meaning by relating synaptic plasticity to changes in behaviour, such as the adaptations in the maternal brain to recognize infant cries or how cochlear implant stimulation leads to auditory perception. A brief abstract for the talk can be found below: Neuroplasticity is important for learning the meaning of different sounds. Here I will discuss neuroplasticity and behavioural adaptations in rodents, first in new mother mice learning to care for pups, and then
in deafened rats learning to use cochlear implants to hear again. I will discuss our previous work and newer results on maternal responses to infant distress calls, and how oxytocin enables rapid neurobehavioral changes for parents to recognize the meaning
of these calls. We have built a new system combining 24/7 continuous video monitoring with neural recordings from the auditory cortex and oxytocin neurons of the hypothalamus in vivo. With this documentary approach, we have identified behaviours of experienced
and naïve adults learning to co-parent together which also activate oxytocin neurons. I will discuss circuits for processing infant distress cries in cortex, midbrain, thalamus, and even in oxytocin neurons of the hypothalamus. Finally, I will discuss our
on-going work on studying the neural basis of cochlear implant use, and the mechanisms of neuromodulation and plasticity required for deaf rats to behaviourally respond to implant stimulation.
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All the best and see you there, Joe Dr Joseph Sollini Auditory Cortical Circuits Lab Hearing Sciences The University of Nottingham W:
https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/groups/hearingsciences/people/joseph.sollini W:
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