Zohar Eitan and Hila Tamir-Ostrover showed something similar in a very different paradigm:Tamir-Ostrover, H., & Eitan, Z. (2015). Higher is faster: Pitch register and tempo preferences. Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 33(2), 179-198.
Roni Granot
Department of Musicology
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
T +972.2.5883953 | F +972.2.5883944 | Roni.Granot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
בתאריך יום ד׳, 2 בנוב׳ 2022 ב-6:11 מאת Lori Holt <lholt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:Dear auditory aficionados,Fred Dick and I have been doing some work with a long-short tone duration identification task (50ms vs 90ms) where tone frequency is chosen from one of x values in a truncated range (e.g., 800Hz, 920Hz, 1000Hz, 1080Hz, 1200Hz). (You might be familiar with this paradigm from Mondor & Bregman, 1994).
We have found a weak but quite reliable effect, where subjects tend to judge lower frequencies more often as 'long', and higher frequencies as 'short'. This was unexpected yet remarkably consistent across a lot of experiments. We have been unable to track down mention of this in the literature.
We did dig up a few papers that purported to be on the general topic of frequency effects on duration judgments, but these ended up being about different things entirely...
We wondered whether anyone might be familiar with literature we've missed- or maybe even have encountered something like this before yourself?Best wishes,Lori & Fred______________________________________________________________loriholtpronouns: she, her, hersProfessor | Department of PsychologyProfessor | Neuroscience InstituteCo-Director | Center for the Neural Basis of CognitionCo-Director | Behavioral Brain (B2) Research Training Program (NIGMS)Carnegie Mellon University