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[AUDITORY] For early career researchers in hearing-related research in the UK only! New deadline.

RNID survey for early career researchers in the UK in hearing-related research - Please note new deadline

As you may know, the Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID) funds research into hearing loss and tinnitus to speed up the discovery and development of new medical treatments to prevent hearing loss, restore or improve hearing, and silence tinnitus. The RNID also supports researchers at early stages of their career to support the development of future hearing research leaders.

The RNID is currently evaluating its Fellowship scheme and they would like to invite early career researchers in the UK who are working in the hearing, tinnitus or any related research fields to take part in a survey. The aim of the survey is to understand more about early career researchers' research interests and career aspirations. The survey is anonymous and should only take 5-10 minutes to complete.

It will be open until Wednesday 30th November 2022

The survey can be accessed here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/RNIDearlycareersurvey

Responses they receive will help the RNID to evaluate their funding offer for early career hearing researchers and ensure that their Fellowship scheme is bringing value to these researchers. Please pass this email onto early career researchers in your lab/networks; the more responses they receive, the more robust their conclusions will be.

If you have any questions, or any problems accessing the survey, please contact Tracey Pollard at tracey.pollard@xxxxxxxxxxx.