Dear colleagues, please distribute widely:
We are pleased to share that the University of Oslo's RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary
Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion is hosting a workshop on Entrainment August
17-18, 2023. Please save the dates. You can find the website here,
where you can sign up to express interest in participating and which will be updated with more information including a call for abstracts as the date approaches.
This workshop will host perspectives
from musicology, ethnomusicology, cognitive neuroscience, music cognition, and computational modeling. There will be keynote lectures by Prof.
Martin Clayton (Durham University) and Prof. Molly Henry (Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics / Toronto Metropolitan
University). The workshop will be conducted in a hybrid format (in-person and online) to encourage sustainable choices from participants.
Thank you,
Dana Swarbrick, Jonna Vuoskoski, Anne Danielsen, and Alexander Refsum Jensenius
Entrainment Workshop Organizing Committee
RITMO, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time, and Motion