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[ISMIR-Community] NIME 2023 - Frugal Music Innovation - Call for papers, music, installations, demos, workshops and student consortium

Hi everybody: Please help to spread the call

The Conference: May 31st-June 2nd 2023, Mexico City

Organized by Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana and Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey


Theme: Frugal Music Innovation

This year the theme of NIME 2023 will be Frugal Music Innovation. Among the topics listed below, we encourage everyone to propose topics where there are some (ideally most) of the Core Competencies of the Frugal Innovation Hub adopted by the Frugal Innovation Latin American Network(Spanish version) & the Frugal Innovation Hub from Santa Clara University (English version). These competencies or characteristics are:

Besides the aforementioned characteristics, original contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following topics.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth Time Zone (UTC - 12)

Paper submission deadline: January 22nd, 2023

Music and Installation submission deadline: January 22nd, 2023

Work-In-Progress Showcases & Workshops submission deadline: January 22nd, 2023

Notification of acceptances and rejections: March 1st-7th, 2023

Camera ready submission deadline: April 10th, 2023

Early-bird registration deadline: April 14th, 2023

Pre-conference workshops: May  29th, 2023

Student consortium: May  30th, 2023

Summer School: May 25th-28th, 2023

The Conference: May 31st-June 2nd 2023

General Submission Guide:

NIME uses two steps for a submission: Create your submission on PubPub, our multimedia platform for publication and then submit it through CMT, our conference management system. To submit a paper to NIME 2023, follow these steps (an illustrated guide to this process is forthcoming):

  1. Create an account on PubPub if you do not have one already.

  2. Create a Pub — Click the "Create Paper Submission" button on the PubPub Submissions page. This will be your submitted paper and will eventually be published if accepted by the review process. Save the URL for future reference.

  3. Follow this template to create your submission. The easiest way to follow the template is to copy-paste it into your own Pub, where it will be available for quick reference. Of course, you will ultimately delete or replace everything from the template with your own content.

  4. Make sure your Pub is anonymous. Find the pencil icon beside your name, click on it, and uncheck the “List on byline” checkbox. Close out of the pop-up window. (Do not click on the “x” button next to your name, this will remove you as a contributor to your own Pub).

  5. Download your Pub as a PDF. Find the "Download" button to the right of the title near the top of your Pub.

  6. Upload the PDF to the CMT, NIME2023's conference management system.

Templates at PubPub

Submission portal

For submission guide by category please visit the webpage.

Call For Papers

We welcome submissions of original research on scientific and artistic development and use of new interfaces for musical _expression_.

There are three different paper submission categories:

Word counts include the article’s main text only.

Paper Review Process:

All paper submissions will be subjected to a rigorous double-blind peer review process by an international committee of experts. All of the submitted papers should demonstrate rigorous research methodology and will be evaluated according to the following criteria: novelty, academic quality, appropriateness of topic, importance, readability, ethical standards, and paper organization. Authors should also familiarize themselves with the NIME statements on diversity and environmental issues.

The review process is as follows:

  1. Each paper submission will be assigned to at least 3 reviewers for independent evaluation.

  2. A meta-reviewer will moderate a discussion amongst the reviewers, write a summary review, and recommend whether to accept the paper.

  3. The paper chairs will make the final decision on paper acceptance and will inform the author(s) of their decision along with the reviewers’ comments.

Please note this review process is double-blind, meaning reviewers remain anonymous to the authors and vice-versa. It is expected that authors respect the NIME Ethical guidelines for NIME publications.

Presentation Format:

If the paper is accepted, authors will be asked to either present in person or provide a recorded video of the presentation for online presentation besides the camera-ready paper. All these files will be publicly available online.

Call For Music

NIME 2023 invites submission of proposals that showcase New Interfaces for Musical _expression_ in performance and composition. We look forward to receiving submissions that expand and reshape our understanding of NIME in the conceptualization, performance, and perception of music.

Typical NIME performance pieces last for 5-15 minutes, however, proposals for shorter or longer performances will also be accepted. Submissions can be for existing works as well as proposals for new ones.We highly welcome submissions from authors from under-represented communities along the lines of race, sex, gender, gender identity, age, ability, socio-economic background or status in and outside of academia.

If a music submission is selected for performance at NIME, proposing artists are expected to be available to perform their work on any day of the conference. The NIME 2023 organization is unable to consider requests for musical performances to happen on specific days.

Music Review Process:

Given the nature of music submissions, we understand that full anonymity may be difficult to achieve without compromising the supporting material. However, contributors should meet these basic criteria of anonymization:

The review process is as follows:

  1. Each submission will be assigned to, at least, 3 reviewers for independent evaluation.

  2. A meta-reviewer will moderate a discussion amongst the reviewers, write a summary review, and recommend whether to accept or reject the performance.

  3. The music chairs will make the final decision on acceptance and will inform the authors of their decision along with the reviewers’ comments.

Presentation Format:

The presentation format will depend on the author’s location and their ability to travel to Mexico. If the author / performer is located outside of Mexico and can not travel to Mexico City, they will be asked to either prepare a prerecorded video or a live stream of their performance, which will be made publicly available. If the author / performer is located in Mexico or is able to travel to Mexico City for the conference dates, an in-person concert at a venue in Mexico City will be scheduled, which will be publicly live streamed and recorded.

Call For Workshops

NIME 2023 welcomes the submission of Workshop Proposals. Workshops may be in any area of NIME themes or topics.

Typical NIME workshops have been half-day or full-day workshops, with some specialized workshops with shorter times (one or two hours).

Besides the general submission process, a submission includes:

Workshop Review Process:

Workshops will be curated by the Workshop co-chairs and associated review committee, based on the Workshop proposal’s relevance to the NIME conference and conference theme, and feasibility. As a result, the feedback on these curated acceptances and rejections will be limited. Workshop proposal submissions are not anonymized.

Call For Work-In-Progress Showcase

We welcome the submission of proposals for demonstrations of work in progress accompanied by an extended abstract. This category is especially suitable for submissions from young professionals, students, and first-time NIME attendees.

Besides the general submission guidance  proposals should include:


Presentation Format:

If the submission is accepted, authors will be asked to provide a webpage/website to showcase their work. All materials will be publicly available online. Those who can visit Mexico City will have the opportunity to present their work in extra panel sessions and engage with the local NIME community.

Call For Art Installations

We invite submissions of art installations on new interfaces for musical _expression_. NIME 2023 will provide several locations that can be used to exhibit new music installation works. These are foyer location installations or room-based installations in connection to the conference venues. Authors could optionally provide a documentation video of the installation for the online attendees. Submitted proposals will be subject to a peer review process by an international expert committee. Documentation of the installations will be available online after the conference.

If an art installation is selected for exhibition at NIME and the proposing artists cannot attend the conference in person, we invite the artists to provide links and access that attendees can experience online.

Presentation Format:

If the Art Installation is accepted, authors will be asked to provide video documentation of the artwork, which will be made publicly available. If they are able to attend NIME23 in-person, they will be offered the opportunity to exhibit the installation on-site.


In 2022 the Doctoral Consortium was established for the first time. This year, the idea is extended to give opportunities to students at graduate and undergraduate level to discuss, perform, or demo their research. We welcome applications from students who would like to receive feedback from the NIME community on their conceptual, theoretical, technical and/or musical research components, and participate to an open discussion among peer students and senior scientists, interaction designers and computer musicians. Ideal candidates will be early-stage or mid-way through their program, presenting some concrete research content within the NIME topics yet with no conclusive achievements already at hand. Candidates should clearly explain their contribution to the Consortium as well as the expected benefit from participating in it.

There are two different categories:


Proposals will include the following entries:

proposal sections: title, keywords, research question/s/problem, context/theory, methods, the expected outcomes (what you hope to contribute and get from the Consortium), references/bibliography (not part of the word count) (optional) software, videos, audio recordings, blueprints documenting music interface concepts and physical prototypes, either uploaded along with the main document or hyperlinked from it

a short recommendation letter from the Supervisor, also clarifying the student's year of study, research objectives, method, and activity in the context of the Department/Research Lab where the PhD is done.

Selection Process

The Graduate & undergraduate Consortium committee will review and select a limited number of candidates via a curation process that considers the quality of their work, and its possibilities to contribute to the creation of a multidisciplinary, diverse, balanced and ethical discussion forum furthermore highly profitable for the participants. Duplicated material submitted also to other NIME calls will be immediately rejected from the Graduate & undergraduate Consortium.

At the conference

If accepted, based on your proposal, we will ask you to design a multimedia poster to both contribute to a live consortium discussion and virtual poster at the NIME conference. Each poster can include performances, demo, design, etc. The Student Consortium will run the day before the beginning of the main conference, on May 30th, with the Chairs actively participating in the event. Please note that the final posters won't be published in the NIME proceedings.


This year we are organizing a summer school programme to engage the local community by providing free NIME-oriented courses in Spanish for students from Mexican Universities and local practitioners. Courses may be imparted remotely as long as we can provide facilitators who can assist during the sessions. Likewise, students may join remotely if they cannot travel to Mexico to assist in person. If you wish to participate in the programme as a student or instructor, or just want to know more about the programme in general, please get in touch with Juan Martinez Avila. More details to be announced. 


This year, we are delighted to bring an Open Jack event to finalize the conference.

We aim to run it in the original format laid out in 2007 as part of the Sonorities Festival Belfast.

Analogue to common "open mic" events at traditional venues, open jack is an open forum for musicians and audiences interested in electronic music. From known personalities to local electronic music enthusiasts, open jack is for all to join, jam, improvise and share music making in real-time.

The idea is simple: Electronic Art Music lives outside academia, open jack is all about the music. No prizes, no awards, no recognition, no building up your CV, no 3 pages program notes explaining why anyone SHOULD like a performance or piece, no bringing your rehearsed stuff, no overthought over-structured compositions, no theories behind. Just live improvisation in a collective environment following the groove of the night.

 Rules are straightforward:

• Up to 4 performers on stage at a time.

• First come first plays basis.

• Performers are replaced one by one. Whomever enters the jam must join the music being played at that time.

• Any necessary setup is done by yourself as others are playing. You literally get one input into the mixer and are faded in when you are ready to play

At this stage, we are asking for an _expression_ of interest so that we can arrange interesting combinations of musicians that might not have played together before, whilst keeping it open for local musicians and/or audience members to jump in and join the fun.

Open-access journal Transactions of ISMIR, open for submissions: https://tismir.ismir.net
ISMIR 2022 will take place from December 4-8, 2022 in Bengaluru, India (hybrid format)
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