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[AUDITORY] Post-doctoral/research engineer position in auditory neurophysiology, Paris, France

Dear all,

we are seeking a post-doc student/research engineer to work in the brand new Hearing Institute (Institut de l'Audition, Institut Pasteur) in Paris, France. The project would focus on neural plasticity in the central auditory system using electrophysiology, computational neuroscience and animal behavior. For more information, see


Please forward to potentially interested students and post-docs. Thank you very much.

Best regards

Boris Gourévitch

Dr Boris Gourévitch
CNRS Researcher

Institut de l'Audition
UMR1120 Inserm, Institut Pasteur
63 rue de Charenton
75012 Paris, France

Tel: (+33) 1 76 53 50 41

Personal Web page: http://www.pi314.net/