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[AUDITORY] International PhD in Neuroscience - Institut de l'audition- Paris

Dear colleagues,

Nicolas Michalski and Boris Gourévitch of the PCAC lab (Plasticity of Central auditory Cirtuis) are proposing a PhD within the framework of the Institut Pasteur international PhD call.

The objective of the Pasteur-Paris University International Doctoral Program is to train promising young scientists in Life Sciences and Biomedicine for 3 years PhD program for students holding
a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in science, medicine, or related fields from a non-French
university. The deadline of the first recruitment step is Nov 2nd on the following website : https://www.pasteur.fr/en/education/ppu#educational-program.

Please find below the title and an abstract of our AUDIOLOUD proposal :


Title : Loud sound intensity processing by the auditory nerve in health and disease

(Neuroscience, cochea, sound intensity, electrophysiology, genetics):


One key component of the auditory system allowing the large working range for intensity processing are the afferent primary sensory neurons of the auditory nerve. High threshold fibers of the auditory nerve, which detect and process loud sounds have been shown to be more sensitive to ageing and noise exposure, potentially explaining speech comprehension difficulties in elderly people and people exposed chronically to loud sounds/noise. Despite these key roles, little is known about their functioning and the pathophysiological mechanisms in which they are involved. One major limitation until now has been the lack of genetic tools to trace and manipulate these fibers. Using new mouse genetic tools the hosting lab developed, the goal of the PhD will be to gain insight into the functioning of high threshold fibers and to decipher the pathophysiological mechanisms to which they are associated,  using a combination of approaches including electrophysiology, auditory perception paradigms, and histology.


A few words about the lab and the Institut de L’audition in Paris:

During his career, the supervisor has been addressing how sound information is transduced, encoded, transmitted, and processed with extreme temporal precision along the auditory pathways. He established in 2019 a research team entitled « Plasticity of Central Auditory Circuits » dedicated to deciphering the molecular pathways regulating the connectivity and functioning of the central auditory pathways.


Websites :
