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[AUDITORY] SPIN2023: The 14th Speech in Noise Workshop in Split

Dear all,

After a three years delay, SPIN2023 will finally be in Split, Croatia, 12-13 January 2023.

SPIN will be entirely in person (no online participation) and hosted by Pr. Damir Kovačić of the University of Split.
You will find information on our website: https://2023.speech-in-noise.eu

At the moment we are aiming to open submissions on 20 October, but I will send an updated announcement at that time.

Hope to see you there!

Thomas Koelewijn
SPIN Coordinator 

Also on behalf of the rest of the SPIN Organising Team  
Etienne Gaudrain, Chris James, and Damir Kovačić

Thomas Koelewijn, PhD

Department of Otorhinolaryngology
University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
University of Groningen (RUG)