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[AUDITORY] PhD fellowships at Max-Planck Graduate School on Cognitive Neuroimaging

Dear all,

The International Max Planck Research School on Cognitive NeuroImaging invites excellent students holding (or finishing) a master's degree to pursue a PhD in cognitive neuroimaging at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig University, and University College London.

Several of the participating research groups work in audition and we have had successful applicants in speech, spatial hearing, auditory predictive coding and related topics in each of the previous rounds.

Deadline for applications is November 15, 2022. Interviews will take place in January 2023, and the program starts in October 2023. If you have outstanding MSc students in the lab who might be interested in this program, please encourage them to apply.


Dean, Dept of Life Sciences
Professor  of  Neurobiology
Department of Biology
University of Leipzig
Talstrasse 33             __o
04103 Leipzig         _`\<,_
+493419736723    (+) / (+)
& Department of Psychology
University  of  Montreal
Montreal, Quebec, Canada