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Re: [AUDITORY] Related Work on Sound Polyphony Estimation

Dear Jakob,

We tested the number of sound objects that listeners recognized in several everyday environments (2 minutes long each) from the ARTE database. I'm not aware of other published tests with realistic sound environments, but only some that tested the "numerosity" perception using various synthesized complex stimuli. These (up to 2018) were all cited in the same work (Chapter 5 of my dissertation):


All the best,

On Tue, Sep 13, 2022, at 7:16 PM, Abeßer, Jakob wrote:

Dear list,


we’re currently conducting a literature review on methods for the task of sound polyphony estimation, i.e., counting the number of sound events in a short audio segment.

While there exists several works on related “counting” tasks such as speaker counting, music instrument counting, ensemble size estimation, and note polyphony estimation,

we were not able to find many references with focus on everyday / environmental sounds.

If you are aware of relevant literature, I would very much appreciate any pointers.


Thank you & best regards

Jakob Abeßer



Dr.-Ing. Jakob Abeßer

Senior Scientist
Semantic Music Technologies

Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT
Ehrenbergstr. 31
98693 Ilmenau, Germany

Phone +49 3677 467-288
Fax +49 3677 467-467

Email: jakob.abesser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx