Apologies for cross-posting.
I am recruiting for an EPSRC fully-funded PhD studentship for UK/International applicants at The University of Lancaster. Two of the project options are in paediatric hearing loss with VR or MRI. Please see the link for details: Advert website. Or email me at h.stewart5@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to discuss.
A ‘research proposal’ is not required for this call. As outlined in the ad text, applicants are asked to include a personal statement (no more than 750 words) of how their research interests, skills, experience and career plans are a good fit for the proposed project. Please note the essential and desirable skills within the ads. Applications are to be uploaded on the Lancaster University website, details are under ‘How to Apply’ (Advert website).
DEADLINE is Friday - 30th September 2022
Interviews: w/c 17th October 2022
PhD start date: January 2023
If you know of any great candidates who want to come nerd out about brains with me at The PELICAN Lab - please feel free to forward.
- Hannah
Dr Hannah J Stewart | Lecturer in Developmental Psychology
Department of Psychology | Lancaster University, UK
Principal Investigator of The PELICAN Lab
Pronouns: [She/Her/Hers]
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