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[AUDITORY] In-person Cochlear Implant meeting: Realising the Potential of Cochlear Implants

Dear all,


We recently announced a two-day residential meeting entitled “Realising the Potential of Cochlear Implants”.  The meeting is sponsored by the Royal Society and will be held in person at Eastwood Hall just outside Nottingham, UK on the 13th-14th June 2022.  It is limited to 80 participants and will allow plenty of time for discussion.


We’re now pleased to add that there will be a poster session in addition to invited talks (which are listed on the Cambridge Hearing Group website). If your poster is accepted you will receive priority when requesting an invitation to attend the meeting, which can be done via this link, and which will soon also contain full and final details of the meeting. If you would like to present a poster please simply mention this when requesting an invitation, include a title and author list, and do so by Monday April 11th.  We expect that the Royal Society will send out the first batch of invitations soon, and will continue to consider requests until the meeting is full.


If you have already requested an invitation and would now like to submit a poster please email the Royal Society at scientific.meetings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx including the words “Poster submission: Realising the Potential of Cochlear Implants” in the title line and the poster title & authors in the body of your message.


Best wishes


Bob Carlyon & Debi Vickers



Dr. Bob Carlyon

Deputy Director

MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit

University of Cambridge

15 Chaucer Rd.

Cambridge CB2 7EF


Tel: +44 (0)1223 767772



See also the

Cambridge Hearing Group



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