Dear colleagues, We would like to share an exciting opportunity for a grade 8 Senior Research Fellow with a PhD in auditory sciences or allied sciences to drive research across the UCL Ear Institute and UCLH RNENT & EDH into the translational domain. The post is supported by the NIHR UCLH BRC and for 2 years in the first instance. For more information please contact Nish (nishchaymehta@xxxxxxx) or Anne (a.schilder@xxxxxxxxx)
Best wishes Nish Mehta Anne GM Schilder
Anne G.M. Schilder, NIHR Senior Investigator Director NIHR UCLH BRC Hearing Theme & evidENT UCL Ear Institute Professor of Otorhinolaryngology University College London & University Medical Centre Utrecht Honorary Consultant ENT Surgeon Royal National ENT Hospital UCLH Trust Office address: 91 Gower Street I London WC1E 6AA Tel: 020 3108 9325 I Mobile: 07741 776292 I Email: a.schilder@xxxxxxxxx I