The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA) is calling for papers to be included in a special issue on “Fish Bioacoustics: Hearing and Sound Communication.”
This special issue of JASA will focus on fish bioacoustics – the production and detection of sound by fishes, as well as acoustic communication. The broad topic has been the focus of several books in the past and there was also a special session of fish bioacoustics at an ASA meeting (in honor of Anthony Hawkins and Arthur Popper), but there is no recent compendium of papers on the breadth of the subject.
This special issue is especially appropriate today since the field of fish bioacoustics is expanding from a discipline that examines the basic science of fish hearing and sound communication to one that is increasingly crossing into applied issues that center around the potential effects of anthropogenic sound on fishes, from physiology to behavior, and from effects of sound on individuals to populations.
We invite participation in the special issue from everyone in the field from students to senior investigators. The goal is for the special issue to be a major contribution to the state of the art in fish bioacoustics.
The special issue’s focus includes (but is not limited to):
Papers can be on any topic related to fish bioacoustics and include important or pioneering methods. Thus, papers on behavioral responses to anthropogenic sound, approaches to measuring particle motion and substrate vibration, updates on the anatomy of the auditory nervous system, analysis of inner ear function, and role of the lateral line, and a myriad of other topics and questions would be appropriate. The papers can include: original research on a topic of interest to the authors; reviews of particular issues, or opinions on aspects of the topic. Papers can take any of a variety of formats: see submission section below. Upon publication, papers will be freely available for one year.
If you have any questions about your intended paper, please email the Guest Editors.
Deadline: Deadline for manuscript submission is March 1, 2023
Peer-review and editorial decisions of submitted manuscripts will be handled with the usual processes for JASA. Accepted papers will be published in the next available regular issue of the journal and identified as belonging to this Special Issue. After all papers have been published for the Special Issue, they will all be listed in an online collection on the JASA website.
Guest Editors
Arthur N. Popper*
University of Maryland, USA
Email: Apopper@xxxxxxx
Michael L. Fine
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Email: mfine@xxxxxxx
Joseph A. Sisneros
University of Washington, USA
Email: sisneros@xxxxxx
Dennis Higgs
University of Windsor, Canada
Email: dhiggs@xxxxxxxxxxx
Allen Mensinger
University of Minnesota Deluth, USA
Email: amensing@xxxxxxxxx
*Liaison Guest Associate Editor. This role serves as the only or second Guest Editor on most papers submitted to the Special Issue.