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[AUDITORY] Fechner Day 2022
Dear Auditory list members,
It is my pleasure to forward the following announcement from the organizer of Fechner Day 2022.
Fechner Day 2022 will be held (on-site) in Lund, Sweden. August 23-26.
Please bookmark the Fechner Day website < http://fechnerday.com/fd2022 >, and check periodically for updates.
Kind regards
Geoff Patching
All the best,
Kazuo UEDA, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Unit of Perceptual Psychology, Dept. Human Science/
Research Center for Applied Perceptual Science/
Division of Auditory and Visual Perception Research
Research and Development Center for Five-Sense Devices
Kyushu University, 4-9-1 Shiobaru, Minami-ku
Fukuoka 815-8540, Japan
Senior Visiting Scientist, RIKEN
Phone & Facsimile +81 92 553 9460
e-mail ueda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx