Dear all,
After the fantastic meeting in Toulouse, France, in 2020, we were all looking forward to traveling to Split, Croatia, in 2021. In the face of the pandemic we eventually decided to postpone the meeting to 2022, hoping that the situation would be better by then. Unfortunately, there is still too much uncertainty about traveling for us to dare to plan an in-person meeting.
But 2 years is a very long time to go without SPIN so, together with
the All Stars of former SPIN organisers and the brave volunteers of the
dBSPLab in Groningen, we will be hosting SPIN online on 20-21 January 2022.
You will find information on our website,
At the moment we are aiming to open submissions on 20 October, but I will send an updated announcement at that time.
Hope to see you there!
-Etienne Gaudrain
-- Etienne Gaudrain, PhD
SPIN Coordinator Lyon Neuroscience Research Centre / Auditory Cognition and Psychoacoustics (CAP) CNRS UMR5292, Inserm U1028, Université Lyon 1 Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier - Bâtiment 462 - Neurocampus 95 boulevard Pinel, 69675 Bron Cedex, France