Hi all! I’m a postdoc on an infant socio-emotional development project, and I wanted to ask for advice about presenting auditory stimuli to infants. We are planning to present 10-month-olds with
audiovisual stimuli (1min 40s duration); we’re interested in the response to the audio, and the visual was added to keep infants’ attention, as we’d like them to face forward during presentation. Infants will sit on their parent’s lap during the experiment;
in piloting, some infants sat happily through the stimuli and others squirmed. We used a regular speaker for piloting, but headphones were recommended to us recently by a collaborator, who said the babies might do well with the novel experience. We don’t have
experience of which or how headphones might work with infants at this age, but it’s something we’re keen to explore. From a brief literature search, younger infants (6m) might have a higher tolerance for headphones, while 10-month-olds might have a lower tolerance
for them. It seems audiology-grade headphones can be very expensive, and we were wondering if cheaper commercial headphones might do the job and help the infants focus on the stimuli.
If you have any experience with similar setups, I would be grateful to hear your advice!
Thank you! Liz Elizabeth Renner (she/her) Post-Doctoral Research Associate Department of Psychology Durham University DH1 3LE elizabeth.renner@xxxxxxxxxxxx |