Dear all, We’re pleased to announce a 2-year position for a Research Assistant to work on Cochlear Implants in our laboratory at the MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge. The full advert appears here: and an excerpt is reproduced below. Please do forward this to any interested and suitable candidates. Best wishes Bob Research Assistant (Fixed Term)
A position is available for a research assistant to work on a project entitled "A multi-disciplinary approach to understanding and improving hearing by cochlear implant users", led by Dr R. Carlyon, Prof J. Middlebrooks, and Dr. J. Wouters. The position
is funded by a Collaborative Award in Science from the Wellcome Trust and will be based at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge.
The project involves a combination of psychophysical and electrophysiological recordings from deaf people whose hearing has been restored by a cochlear implant (CI), and, to a lesser extent, from normal-hearing listeners. Experience with computer programming
or with the use of experimental programs is essential, as is some experience with statistical analysis and a good understanding of the auditory system. The job will involve carrying out and analysing the experiments, recruiting CI participants, and liaising
with clinical colleagues at Addenbrookes hospital, Cambridge. The post-holder will have the opportunity to contribute to the experimental design and to scientific publications, and to develop skills in direct stimulation CI programming, stimulus calibration, and in EEG design and analysis. A post-holder who already
possesses these skills will be able to apply them to the project. The post-holder will have a degree in a numerate or auditory discipline. The role involves liaising with clinical staff at Addenbrookes hospital and with patients, and so the post-holder will
need excellent interpersonal skills. The role also involves collaborating with the teams led by Prof. Middlebrooks (Univ. California, U.S.A.) and Prof. Wouters (Univ. Leuven, Belgium).
Informal enquiries can be made to Dr. Carlyon (bob.carlyon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). |