Hi Anıl,Thank you for the quick response. It looks really promising. Do you have any implementations I could check out to see what it can do?Best,BrianOn January 27, 2021 9:49 AM Anil Camci <anilcamci@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Brian,
We developed Inviso (http:/inviso.cc) for applications like this and immersive sonic environment design in general. It supports sound zones and sound objects with complex directionality characteristics and 3D motion trajectories. The users can navigate the environment themselves or be placed on a motion trajectory that moves them through the space. We are currently testing mobile AR and VR versions of this tool but the browser-based version that I linked above has been stable for several years. Let me know if you have any questions about it. I hope this helps!
Anıl Çamcı, PhDAssistant Professor of Performing Arts TechnologySchool of Music, Theatre & DanceUniversity of Michigan
On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 12:13 AM Brian Gygi < bgygi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am currently working at an ecological preservation center in Costa Rica, and I got the idea of designing an auditory display or exhibition for Web or App on the "Sounds of the Ecocenter" containing actual recordings of the animals here, some music, and allow the user to navigate through the forest soundscape.
Does anyone know of any tools (preferably free) that would allow me to develop this for Web or mobile App? I am fairly well versed in digital sound manipulation, but not so much with end user tools.
Many thanks!Brian Gygi