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[AUDITORY] Speaker list: MUSIC&COVID19 network events on May 19

Preliminary program:
MUSIC&COVID19 network events on May 19, 2020

We are excited to announce the preliminary program and speaker list for the two virtual events of the MUSIC&COVID19 research network to be held on Zoom on Tuesday 19th May at 9:00-10:30am CEST and 4:00-5:30pm CEST:

1st meeting, 9:00-10:30am CEST:
1.       Welcome
2.       Brief summary of talks presented at 2nd meeting
3.       3-5 mins presentations on research plans and ideas, preliminary results and observations, and/or potential calls for collaborators:
o   Alexandra Lamont (Keele University): DIY Desert Island Discs: Building Collaborations and Taking Studies Online Under Lockdown"
o   Dana Swarbrick (University of Oslo): ”Quarantine Concerts: The Social Impacts of Virtual Concerts on Audience Members”
o   Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann (Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics): ”Musicking against loneliness and depression: Preliminary results from a cross-national survey”
o   Mikaela Leandertz/Andrew Danso Adu (University of Jyväskylä): ”Music Therapy & COVID-19: The Pandemic’s Impact on Music Therapists’ Professional Practice, Use of Virtual Therapy Environments, and Perception of Professional Identity”
o   Kelsey Onderdijk (Ghent University): ”Impact of Lockdown Measures on Joint Music Making: Playing Online and Physically Together”
o   Niels Chr. Hansen (Aarhus University): ”Musical Escapisms and A Crowd-Sourced Database of #Coronamusic”
o   Bavo van Kerrebroeck (Ghent University): ”A Breathing Musical Sonification System for Health & Well-Being”
o   Will M. Randall (University of Jyväskylä): ”Emotional Outcomes of Music Listening in Isolation: A Mobile Experience Sampling Study”
o   Jane Davidson (Melbourne University): ”Music Across the Balconies: A Site for Sharing and Exchange”
o   Eric Larrieux/Sascha Jösler/Eric Lemmon (Zurich University of the Arts): ”Sonification during the COVID-19 Pandemic as Music and Representation” (still awaiting confirmation)
o   Ruth Müller-Lindenberg(Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien)/Steffen Lepa (Technische Universität Berlin): ”Streaming Berlin Opera in times of Corona (SBOTCO): Institutions, Performance, Reception”
4.       MUSIC&COVID19 resources (suitable publication avenues, funding opportunities, research initiatives etc.)

2nd meeting, 4:00-5:30pm CEST:

1.       Welcome
2.       Brief summary of talks presented at 1st meeting
3.       3-5 mins presentations on research plans and ideas, preliminary results and observations, and/or potential calls for collaborators:

o   Remi Chiu (Loyola Univeristy Maryland): ”Music and Pandemics: Possible Lessons from the Plague and COVID-19”

o   Psyche Loui (Northeastern University): ”Boston Hope: A Data-Driven Perspective for Music Making for Recovering COVID-19 Patients”

o   Lea Hagmann (University of Bern): ”ChorOnline: A  Transnational Singing Project Fostering Applied Ethnomusicology”

o   Frank Russo/Arla Good (Ryerson University): ”Effects of group singing on social wellbeing in older adults”

o   Gracia M. Gil (University of Burgos): ”Dynamics of use and influence of music during confinement due to the Covid 19 crisis in Spain”

o   Heather Sparling (Cape Breton University): ”Comparing Covid-19 Songs and Disaster Songs”

o   Niels Chr. Hansen (Aarhus University): ”Musical Escapisms and A Crowd-Sourced Database of #Coronamusic”

o   Carol Krumhansl/Emily Hurwitz (Cornell University): ”Disrupted Listening Niches: Signature Songs”

o   Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann (Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics): ”Musicking against loneliness and depression: Preliminary results from a cross-national survey”

o   Pete Stollery (University of  Aberdeen): ”Changing Places: A COVID-19 Sound Map”

o   James Deaville (Carleton University): ”Politicizing the Sounds of Quarantine: Music and Sound in Pandemic News Coverage from Wuhan, Tehran and Milan”

o   Amy Belfi (Missouri University of Science and Technology): ”Comparing Aesthetic Responses to Live vs. Recorded Music”
4.       MUSIC&COVID19 resources (suitable publication avenues, funding opportunities, research initiatives etc.)

TO REGISTER FOR ONE OR BOTH OF THESE EVENTS, PLEASE COMPLETE THE REGISTRATION FORM (https://www.aesthetics.mpg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/200-Research/Dep-MUSIK/11-Music-Covid-19/Covid19-Network-Registration-form-with-data-protection-information.pdf) AND RETURN IT TO musikundcorona@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:musikundcorona@xxxxxxxxx> AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Even if you cannot attend any of the events, but still want to become a member of our global research network, then please complete and return a network registration form anyway

Registered participants will receive a Zoom link via email.

Current list of publication opportunities for research on the role of music during the COVID-19-pandemic:

  *   Research Topic in Frontiers in Psychology on “Social Convergence in Times of Spatial Distancing: The Role of Music During the COVID-19 Pandemic” (https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/14089/social-convergence-in-times-of-spatial-distancing-the-role-of-music-during-the-covid-19-pandemic), edited by Niels Chr. Hansen, Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann, & Jane Davidson,  Please note: ***Due to the exceptional nature of the COVID-19 situation, Frontiers is waiving all article publishing charges for COVID-19 related research in this Research Topic.*** Abstract deadline: Sep 1. Manuscript deadline: Nov 1.
  *   Special Issue of Critical Studies in Improvisation / Études critiques en improvisation on ”Improvisation, Musical Communities, and the COVID-19 Pandemic” (http://improvisationinstitute.ca/event/csi-eci-special-issue-cfp/). Proposal deadline: May 15.
  *   Special issue of Journal of Music, Health, and Wellbeing on ”The Role of Music during Social Isolation: Perspectives through Technology, Wellbeing and Education” (https://sites.manchester.ac.uk/alc-grad-school/2020/05/01/cfp-journal-of-music-health-and-wellbeing/).
 Best wishes,
Niels Chr. Hansen
Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann

Niels Chr. Hansen (PhD, MSc, MMus, BA) | Assistant Professor (AIAS-COFUND II Marie Curie Fellow) | Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), Aarhus University, Denmark | nchansen@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:nchansen@xxxxxxxxxx> | +45 25338833