Hi everyone, We have a new ‘mini- Centre for Doctoral Training’ related to Data-informed Audience-centric Media Engineering (DAME). See
https://dame.qmul.ac.uk/ for details. It supports 3 fully funded international PhD studentships, starting January 2021. One of the proposed topics is focused on auditory science; Media engineering for hearing-impaired audiences:
This research proposes the exploration of ways in which media content can be automatically processed to deliver the content optimally for audiences with hearing loss. It builds on prior work by our group and the collaborator, BBC, in development of effective
audio mixing techniques for broadcast audio enhancement. It will form a deeper understanding of the effects of hearing loss on media content perception and enjoyment, as well as utilize this knowledge towards the development of intelligent audio production
techniques and applications that could improve audio quality by providing efficient and customisable compensation. It aims to advance beyond current research, which does not yet fully take into account the artistic intent of the material, and requires an ‘ideal
mix’ for normal hearing listeners. So a new approach that both removes constraints and is more focused on the meaning of the content is required. This approach will be derived from natural language processing and audio informatics, to prioritise sources and
establish requirements for the preferred mix. Could you please let anyone else who might be interested know about these studentships? You can give them the link mentioned above. I’ve also blogged about it at
https://intelligentsoundengineering.wordpress.com/2020/04/22/funded-phd-studentships-available-in-data-informed-audience-centric-media-engineering/ . Thanks, Josh --------------------------------------------------------------------- Josh Reiss Professor in Audio Engineering, Queen Mary University of London Blog: intelligentsoundengineering.wordpress.com
Twitter: @IntelSoundEng
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/IntelligentSoundEng Publications: www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~josh/publications.htm --------------------------------------------------------------------- |