Dear List,
The purpose of the MIC meeting is to gather young researchers working with cochlear implants to learn best research practice as well as providing
an opportunity for networking in an informal environment. The meeting will consist of one day of methods seminars and will take place on
June 5th 2020 in Cambridge, UK. There will be multiple sessions covering best practices in statistics, psychophysics and objective measures. We are planning to have a combination of overview talks by experts,
as well as talks (with practical examples) given by junior researchers employing new and exciting techniques in the field. If you are interested in participating, have suggestions of topics that should be covered (e.g. what’s the most efficient way to pitch-match electrodes across ears?) and/or have
a method that you would like to present, please don’t hesitate to contact one of us. Please distribute this message to whom you might think is interested.
More information will follow. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Cambridge. The MIC Organizers, Charlotte Garcia (PhD Student, Cambridge,
Charlotte.Garcia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) Wiebke Lamping (PostDoc, Cambridge,
wl383@xxxxxxxxx) Charlotte Navntoft (PhD Student, Copenhagen,